Bali Sekumpul Waterfall | Bali Interest Place | Bali Golden Tour

Bali Sekumpul Waterfall is a tourist attraction located in Sekumpul, Buleleng, Bali, this Bali Interest Place is very famous among tourists because it offers incomparable natural beauty with the sound of gurgling water and lush trees around the waterfall adding to the beauty of this tour. It is not surprising that many foreign and domestic tourists flock to this tourist attraction just to admire the incomparable work of nature, in addition to admiring its beauty, many also do swimming activities in this waterfall pool and also many who capture the moment by taking pictures and uploaded to social media and get lots of likes from readers. A very different sensation in spending time on vacation on the island of Bali by visiting this Sekumpul waterfall tour.

Bali Sekumpul Waterfall | Bali Interest Place | Bali Golden Tour

The location of the Sekumpul waterfall is in the interior and far from village settlements, so it can be classified as a hidden waterfall tour because of the access that is far from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is the same with other waterfall attractions where the location is a bit deep and quiet, as well as this waterfall tour, to reach the location it takes good stamina because you will go through a long path accompanied by descending stairs, maybe to get to the location. the location of the waterfall is not that tiring, but it is different to return it will require good stamina where through the path and the stairs facing up, this will be very draining of stamina. But for those of you who have an adventurous spirit, this will not be an obstacle because the results you get are very worth it. Your fatigue will be relieved when you see the amazing work of nature where seeing a waterfall that stands majestically on a high cliff with the beautiful sound of the gurgling water will make your holiday experience in Bali feel complete.

Another interesting thing about walking along the winding paths is seeing the shady and fresh trees on the left and right of the road and passing through local community plantations where there are lots of clove trees, here the tree can grow fresh because it is in a cool highland. never lacked water. Going down the stairs, with a range of about 360 steps with a distance of 300 meters with a duration of about 30 minutes, finally you can reach the location, from a distance you can see a high waterfall where 2 streams of water flow in this waterfall, the sound of gurgling water can be heard from afar which will make you even more curious to quickly approach the location of this Sekumpul waterfall. But to reach the location you have to cross a small river where the depth is only human, a challenge that must be overcome to see the beauty of the Sekumpul waterfall. After passing through a small river, you will arrive at the location of this magnificent waterfall.

The uniqueness of Sekumpul Waterfall

The uniqueness of this Sekumpul waterfall tour is from its height, which reaches about 100 meters in height, and has been named the highest waterfall on the island of Bali, besides that there are also two streams of water that fall from this waterfall, where these two streams are sourced. of two different streams of water from the plateau. This unique thing can be seen during the dry season where the two streams of water have different colors. One where one stream of water comes from a spring in the hills in the village of Sekumpul and the other one flows from the river in the village of Sekumpul. The two streams fall in a different pool below, so it can't be categorized as a twin waterfall, here you can choose to choose to swim in a pool with small water or heavy water. This makes it a special and unique waterfall on the island of Bali.

The water discharge is not too heavy, but produces an extraordinary effect, where when the water falls from a height of 100 meters into the pool of water below it makes a distinctive sound, which will amaze you with the work of this nature. The green panorama around the cliff makes the atmosphere even more magnificent, sometimes in the morning you can see rainbows in this waterfall, because the water falling from a height and being exposed to the sun will often cause a beautiful rainbow in the waterfall. The water pool in the waterfall is very safe for swimming, many tourists come here to swim and enjoy the natural beauty around the waterfall while swimming. The roar of a waterfall that falls on the surface of the pool gives its own calming effect. The natural atmosphere surrounded by trees and cliffs creates a calm and serene atmosphere. The cool air gives freshness to the body and mind of every tourist who comes.

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