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Our extraordinary ingredients are a product of scientific and technical expertise, meticulous research and innovation and listening to and working with our customers.

185 search results
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FRIMULSION® Stabiliser Systems

Food stabiliser systems, food stabilizer systems, hydrocolloid combinations, emulsifying and thickening agent, processing aid, hydrocolloids, emulsifiers, proteins, texturants

FRIMULSION ® Stabiliser Systems generally contain a combination of hydrocolloids, proteins, emulsifiers, and/or salts.
FRIMULSION Stabiliser Systems logo

Artesa® Chickpea products

Artesa® 10 Chickpea flour, Artesa® 60 Chickpea protein

Artesa ® chickpea flour and protein deliver a superior, premium taste and mouthfeel experience along with numerous value-added functionality attributes desirable in formulation.
Artesa Chickpea

BRIOGEL® gelling starch

BRIOGEL® is the line of starches used primarily to deliver a range of gelled textures, from soft to firm, desirable in certain confections, spreads and dairy products.

CMS Starches

Chaodee Modified Starch

The CMS starch line is used in a broad range of products including soups, sauces, bakery cream fillings, noodles and processed meats products. 


Tapioca dextrins

Our TAPIOCA Dextrin Starch line includes both non-GMO and traditional products.   These starches can be used in carriers in dry mixes, as thickeners in liquid foods, and as film formers in food coatings. 


Our FREEZIST ® M Starch tapioca starch line includes both non-GMO and traditional products. This line of starches can be used in canned foods, soups, sauces and fillings with long shelf life or which are distributed under frozen conditions.


Tapioca starch

Our BINASOL™ Starch is a tapioca starch line that includes both non-GMO and traditional products.   BINASOL™ Starches have bland flavour and white colour, making them suitable for use in delicately flavoured soups, sauces, and gravies. These tapioca…


Our REDISOL ® Starch is a tapioca and potato based starch line that includes both non-GMO and traditional products. REDISOL ® can be used in dairy products, soups, and sauces to provide thickening and as coatings for snacks. 

HAMULSION® Stabiliser Systems

Food stabiliser systems, food stabilizer systems, emulsifying component, processing aid, thickening agent, gelling agent, hydrocolloids, emulsifiers, proteins,

HAMULSION ® Stabiliser Systems are customised to meet the specific needs of your food products, helping to improve product mouthfeel and texture profile.
HAMULSION® Stabiliser Systems

AGW™ Starch

AGW™ Starch products are used in instant puddings to build viscosity rapidly, delivering a creamy texture and fast melt in the mouth.